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What is the difference between Austrian Economic Theory and Keynesian economics?

Austrian Economic theory oppose to government intervention in the market while Keynesian Economics advocate for it . Keynesian economics and Austrian economics are two major schools of thought in macroeconomics. They vary from each other based on the role in economy and ways to manage the economy.

What is the difference between Austrians and Keynesians?

Austrians argue for small government while Keynesians argue for more government oversight to help set the market right again. When it comes to helping an economy thrive again, inflation is another key area where Austrians and Keynesians tend to vary.

Do Austrians and Keynesian economists agree on economic growth?

When it comes to helping an economy thrive again, inflation is another key area where Austrians and Keynesians tend to vary. Austrian economists believe that inflation can actually harm economic growth, especially if it is due to an increase in printed money (which is a go-to for Keynesian economics).

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